Take the sting out of the middle of the week with some great deals on Fallout 4 Bundles, Gaming Headsets, Extractor Fans, Bluetooth Car Adaptors, Air Purifiers, and Coffee Machines. Fallout 4 Bundle: Game, Artbook, & Soundtrack (PS4) [28% Off] This Fallout 4 bundle for the PS4 includes the popular game, an artbook from the franchise, along with a copy of the frankly great game soundtrack. Nubwo K6 Over-Ear Gaming Headset with Microphone (US, CA) [68% Off] Now you’ve grabbed yourself a discount copy of Fallout 4, you’ll want to pick up these gaming headphones from Nubwo. The headset includes an in-built...
Read the full article: Wednesday Deals: Fallout 4 Bundle, Coffee Machines, Air Purifiers, and More [UK]