The trick of the government of an iPhone used by the San Bernardino, Calif., Murderer serves as a reminder that phones and other electronic devices are not impenetrable vaults. Such as washing hands and brushing teeth, some "cyber hygiene" can go a long way toward preventing disasters.
• Lock your phone: Failure to do so is like leaving the front door unlocked. An access code four digits the FBI stumped for weeks and forced to seek outside help. It makes six figures using an access code 100 times harder to guess. And if you want it even more difficult, you can add letters and other characters to increase the number of possible combinations. These are the options on iPhones and Android.
• Commissioning of searchers devices: Find My iPhone is not only to find your phone in the couch cushions. If the device disappears, you can put as lost. Blocking the screen with a passcode, if it is not already, and lets you display a custom message with a phone number to help you get back. The application comes with the iPhone, but you need to configure before you lose your phone. Search App for iPhone Search the Extras folder.
There is nothing comparable built-in Android phones, but Google Android Manager application devices, along with others made by third parties, can be downloaded for free from the Google Play store.
• Backup your phone: If you have to remotely erase data from your phone, it is comforting to know that you will not lose all your important data. Applications such as Find My iPhone Manager Android devices and will allow you to do this, as long as the set early.
• Keep your software up to date: Software updates often contain fixes for known defects. In iPhones, Apple asks for the upgrade. Android, updates have to go through several handset manufacturers and wireless service providers first. But not install updates when asked.