Read Zac’s full Apple Watch Series 2 review
I’ve never been entirely sold on Apple Watch. From the get go, I didn’t necessarily see a clear purpose for the device. Nevertheless, I purchased the first-gen model on launch day, being the Apple fanboy that I am. Over the course of my first year and a half with Apple Watch, though, I didn’t find myself consistently wearing it. I would go through phases where I would use it for a few weeks, but then I would go weeks without even charging it.
This year, Apple revamped the Apple Watch lineup and I was pressed with the decision of upgrading or sticking with my first-generation model. It didn’t make a lot of sense for me to spend money on something that I wasn’t consistently using, but factors such as the improved speed seemed like enough to dispel some of my issues with the first-gen. So much so, that I went ahead and purchased the Apple Watch Series 2 on launch day and have been using it since…
Filed under: Apple